Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Simple Things... June 28th, 2006

Simple things to some could mean the world to others... Have you ever thought about this?
A trip to the supermarket might mean buying personal items or things for the house to one person, on the other hand, it might mean a trip through a short road of endless memories to another.
A certain perfume could smell nice and sweet to some, while it could trigger a certain emotion or feeling in others....
A certain song might make me feel sad and lonely while it could be meaningless to those who are very close to me...
A tiny tear crolling down a precious cheek could sound silly to a few people while it could shake the whole being of one person in particular...
So, I think, in order to be fair to ourselves and those around us, we should never disregard the way they feel... Even about the simple things in life...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Life's Irony! Monday 26th of June, 2006

Life is so ironically manipulative!
The twists and turns, ups and downs and circles it takes you through are unbelievably overwhelming!
I deduced this just recently… After having met him, the guy I allowed myself to believe, once again, was PERFECT!
I will not blame myself this time, not like I did a few times before, I have many other things to blame:
The sweet smile he used to greet me with…
The look in his eyes every time I got into his car…
The purity I saw in his every word and action…
The sincerity I thought I felt with every breath we shared…
The way he showed me he was “different”…
The times we shared together… The special moments, looks, smiles and laughs…
I don’t think it was fair… Any of it… Because I strongly believe that I do not deserve all those lies and I certainly do not deserve to be deceived by someone who forced himself into my life…
I hate the roles some of us take on the stage of life… I hate the pain they can cause others… I hate feeling the way I do right now… So, I might as well just clap to life’s irony… You got me again!

What is LOVE?

For all those people who actually care to read my blog.... I need your help...
Can you tell me what love is? What is the true meaning of the word love? How does it feel? How can we show it? Feel it? Know its there? Lose it?
I though I had the answer... I thought I figured it out more than once, that I've learnt its secrets and unsolved its access codes!
I wrote about it... I filled up many pages explaining what it means to me... But now, all my pens are dry...
Help me...

Friday, June 23, 2006

My Ying Yang!

The heavens are smiling down on me with a twisted and vague frown...
In their glory and forgiveness, I see a second chance...
I am afraid to look ahead, scared to stare or even glance...
In every step I plan to take, my hesitance pulls me back...
There's a long road ahead of me still, a rocky and an unsafe track...
The dreams I've again managed to build fell apart right infront of my eyes...
And I carry in my soul all these painful sighs...
Still, every day holds in its arms a new dream and a faint light...
And it's a fact that you can not go through life without a fight...
I thank all those who stood beside me and are there for me once more...
I pray that one day I could help them somehow, because their favors are hard to ignore...
I will make a promise for those who I hold dear to me...
I will hold one, I will fight, and I will fight to be...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The African Culture "Kaya"

Recently, a good friend of mine introduced me to this word with the beautiful meanings it carries... Hope you will find it as amuzing as I did...
"Kaya" is the African word of power and energy..
African legends tell: Kaya is the source of life.. and as long as you are alive, you have power and energy, yet in cases of fatigue, the kaya in existence is simply misguided, not drained.
African beats and rhythms serve as natural music-therapy; the even beats, which vary in speed and intensity at some points, represent the tribulations of Kaya. When the representation is complete, the journey of sorting out one's fatigue is clearer, thus re-guiding the Kaya...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Do you believe in Karma?
Before we go further into this, this is the web definition for the word "Karma":
In Hindu belief where the term originated, Karma is the idea that the good and evil a person does will return either in this life or in a later one. Among Pagans, the theory is that whatever negative or positive energies one sends out will come back to the sender in like kind. Karma is the belief system that is similar to the saying "what goes around, comes around".
As for the "Law of Karma":
In Buddhist teaching, the law of karma, says only this: `for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.' A skillful event is one that is not accompanied by craving, resistance or delusions; an unskillful event is one that is accompanied by any one of those things.
Therefore, the law of Karma teaches that responsibility for unskillful actions is born by the person who commits them.
When it comes to my own personal view of this, I strongly agree that in order for this life, with all its beauty and dismays, to be fair, the "Law of Karma" should apply. Otherwise, how can one go on bearing the pain the disappointments form those whom he once loved with the idea that what happened, happened and the right thing to do is to forget it and move on??
I mean seriously, how could one forget the pain, the long nights he/she spent crying from the burning ache of loss and regret? How could they live to see another day if they feel that all that they are easily forgotten?
"Karma" might have been the only way out for me from my recurring pains of loss, seperation and regert..
So now, I'm gonna ask this again: Do you believe in "Karma"?

Monday, June 19, 2006

In My Own Little World! 19th of June, 2006

In my own little world, I survive on chaos…
I’m attracted to drama and misery…
I opt for pain and disappointments…
Could it actually be? Could that be what things lead me to become?
I have often thought about the reasons for me staying with this guy or bearing the hurtful words of the other… And suddenly, it hit me, just like that; I am unconsciously drawn to this kind of unmerciful state of mind…
I’m not a pessimist… Really, I’m not… I love life… I love waking up every day to face a new challenge… I love being productive and at the end of the day, I love reaping the results of my fruitful doing!
It’s just that lately, my emotional life has been more of a suicide, a repetitive suicide! And the problem is that I’m caught up in a cycle that I can’t get myself out of…

Sunday, June 11, 2006

About Life... (Dorian Gray)

"The whole adventure of existance is justified by meeting those , whom we thought the day we met, we will never meet again but the bonding of souls is like wine revealing its best sides with time. We live in an endlessly appetite for the absolute and in an insatiable nostalgia for unity , with virtue and beauty all together simple and true..."

Friday, June 09, 2006

A Few Impressive Qoutes...

“Time is very slow for those who wait, very fast for those who are scared, very long for those who lament, very short for those who celebrate. But, for those who love, time is eternity"
(William Shakespeare)

“Always there is a drop of madness in love, yet always there is a drop of reason in madness”
(F. Nietzshe)

“Life can be understood only looking behind, but can be lived only looking ahead."
(Soren Kierkegaard)

"There are people who speak to us and we do not listen to them; there are people who hurt us and they don’t leave a scar, but there are people who simply appear in our life and they mark us for ever.”
(Cecília Meireles)

Monday, June 05, 2006

Words of A Speechless Mind..

A calm and deep sorrow invades my day...
I am almost speechless; my words are having problems going out right...
It is so hard to feel that you were easily replaced or given away...
The world feels so small and every morning starts to feel like every night...
Is it fate? Or did we compose our end?
Is this meant to be? Him not being a lover, a brother nor a freind?
I stare at my phone waiting for it to breath out his ring tone...
I stare so hard that I can't see it anymore!
I wake up a hundred times at night, looking for him in the room or even in a message he might have sent...
But it seems he is really, truly, gone...

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