Wishing everyone out there, Muslims and non-Muslims, yet another year of more and more giving, caring and most importantly understanding....
Sometimes life hits you hard...
It crashes you and breaks you down...
It shatters your soul and damages the things you cherish the most...
Then, someone comes along, gives you hope for a better day, for a new beginning, for a sincere smile…
But, does it all end there? Of course not…. You are faced with so many facts that you have to live with:
1. There is no extreme happiness (utopian kind of joy).
2. There is nothing perfect, or even close to that!
3. You can never have all that you want or even most of it.
4. Friends do come and go.
5. Life is too short.
6. Love is a joke - an overrated, unrealistic and overused non-existing concept!
Last night, while I was out trying to change my somewhat depressed mood, a thought just occurred to me... The complexity of memory!
"As I run in the doors of my mind,
I find painful memories attacking me from ahead and behind..."
It is so true how one memory door opens another... You are sitting there and suddenly something triggers one memory... Whether it is painful or not, this memory, when you let yourself think about it long enough, will automatically remind you of another similar one... This is similar to the ripple effect, only not in a liquid matter, yet through your mental thoughts!
This is an amazing phenomenon, yet it remains exhausting, especially if you retain a series of sad or painful memories! Once you have opened one door, the others are opened too and you need more time to close them again and go back to living the present....
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