While browsing through blogs, reading posts, this is one of the posts that caught my eye and gave me a sick feeling in my stomach!
In his weekly radio address on Saturday, President Bush called the conflict in the Midlle East "painful and tragic" but also "a moment of opportunity for broader change in the region."
What opportunities??? A new Middle east? Like this one below??? Is this what we really want??

Bush??? he is a stupid man, and for sure he is heartless, and all he thinks about is his own interest, not even the american's...
and the worst thing is that he thinks that we believe him or that we think he is a good guy.. the funniest thing i've ever seen him doing is giving israel bombs and weapons to kill the lebanese and at the same time he is giving the lebanese people food and supplies to live... what the hell?!?!
el7war da kolo mesh me7taaag bosh wla 3`ero .... sebo el3arab zy ma homa be a7walhom be mashakelhom be korhohom le ba3d wel sora de hateb2 7a2e2a
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