I saw this man, alone as well, pushing in front of him his source of income: his corn cart!
Just like me, in the same street he was…
Just like me alone…
But while I was in my car, warm, listening to my music, thinking of my life, feeling sad for myself, he was on foot, cold, pushing this cart up road, and probably praying for someone to come and buy what he is selling so he can finally go home probably carrying a few loafs of bread for his wife and children…
I put the car to a halt, waiting for him to reach where I have parked with one thought in my mind: How can I help him without offending him in any way?
As he got closer, I got weaker… As I opened my window, his short breaths pained me and the chilliness in the air he had to bear just crippled me…
As he talked to me, tears just filled my eyes… He was so polite, so kind, and so different than many people who had it all yet chose to be cruel, mean and careless…
As I drove away, the same gurgling scream I have felt a few weeks back found its way to my eyes and I let go… I screamed out my tears and couldn't help but think: How lame our troubles are when compared to others! How silly we can be when we just think of our pain and consider it the biggest pain of all! How selfish we can be!
The world around us is falling apart… We just stand there complaining about a lost love, a stupid raise, a new shirt while people are dying of natural disasters and sicknesses, suffering from poverty, being tormented from their governments…
Why are we so blind to others' pain?
Why is it that we only see what we chose to see? Feel just what we choose to feel?
Why does life provide us with so many unfair tests?
When we will wake up from our dreams and look at the world around us, the bigger picture?
When will we try to make a difference?
first of all, the picture is a bit scary!! it looks like a pic of a child with beard!!!!
u can't do a comparison here, i'm sorry, this may sound harsh, but sometimes these comparisons r wrong, cuz what this guy became is up to him, and what u became is up to u, u worked so hard, studied so hard, and so r ur parents and their parents!! i do feel sorry for these people, and i always try to help, but i don't like to do a comparison...
anyway, i don't think u r blind to other's pain, but what can u do? and how can u make a difference if those u r offering them help r shutting u down!!!
u r fine beebee, don't worry about urself, and as long as u know what is wrong with u, and as long as u know that ur problems are not that bad after all, then u r fine and u'll be fine!! u r a good girl with a big heart, but the problem is that big heart sometimes put u in troubles!!!
take care beebee and keep up the amazing posts...
Zeezazoo... I do not agree with you at all! Who told u that that man chose this? Maybe he wanted a degree, maybe he wanted to get somewhere else in his life... Maybe he hoped for so much but he couldn't financially...
Some people are born poor into this world, some die poor.. No matter what they do, they can never fix it!
Those poor in the soul or in the heart, those r the ones that u can not feel empathy for... They chose to be that way...
I, on the other hand, struggled alot to get where I am right now, but I had the luxury to go to the best schools and best university... Not cuz I made it happne, simply cuz my parents were able to put me there (at least at school and first year uni)...
I feel this anger towards those who can but won't...
I feel pain with those who want to but can't...
It's really confusing but I and u can not judge ppl...
Abiut the pic... I think it shows lonliness and sadness... The child looks pained... I thought it would reflect that! Not a beard and a horror movie! Look deeper!
Thanks for ur comment anyway...
about the pic, i was joking :D :D
it's nice and sure it shows pain... i loved it...
i know some people were born poor, and some will die poor... i know that... and i do feel sorry for them... but i don't like to compare.. i'm sorry... i knew it would sound harsh, i told u that... and i don't blame these people all the time, i blame their parents, and their parents parents!! and sometimes i blame them, cuz some people don't have moeny and they work 14 hours a day to make some money and at the end, they go and get drunk or go to a night club!! forgetting about their families and to make things worst, they make more and more babies!! u see poor families that have 8 or 10 kids!! why?? why don't u save money for ur kids so they won't have the kind of life u had?!?!
anyway, let me give u an example about a guy who works on a taxi, not his taxi!! each month or two, he learns a new language!! he puts a cassette of teaching english, italian, french or whatever and sometimes he brings cassettes teaching other stuff... and now he's thinking of saving some money and go to a college or something and have a good job!! i respect the guy!!
this is what i'm talking about!!
i do respect all people, and i do feel sorry for those who didn't have the chance to live a good life or go to uni or good schools... i hope one day i reach to a place when i can help these people!!
I really believe that this story could be as a wake up call for each of us, to realize how lame our problems could be comparing to others, and to appreciate what god gave each of us , that others might wish to have .
Great thoughts BeeBee
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