The Setting:
A small cold room with wooded floors…
A window on the right side of the room overlooking an empty street, a big old tree and a few parked cars...
A table next to the window… A chair parallel to it…
A small cold room with wooded floors…
A window on the right side of the room overlooking an empty street, a big old tree and a few parked cars...
A table next to the window… A chair parallel to it…

You can see a laptop and a mug on the table, and a mobile phone on the window sill…
Sunlight enters the room through the window's opened glass…
No one is there…
A few moments go by…
"Excuse me boss, you have a text message…" The mobile phone announces!
She suns in from another room, picks up the phone and stares endlessly at the mobile screen…
A lonely tear runs down her face…
It was him again… After all that time which passed, he still remembers her…
Though his words were neutral and his inquiries were rather formal, she could feel his concern for her and she knew she was blessed to have him in her life…
She sat down on the chair and gazed out of the window of her room and into the windows of her sad soul and her tired heart…
She remembered all those fights they had over and over again about the silliest things they could muster!
She recalled all the painful words they managed to use against each other so skillfully yet unintentionally…
She reminisced the years that have gone by without being able to hold on to the one thing they both believed in: their relationship…
The untainted, unusual, out of the ordinary relationship they together watered and watched grow and blossom…
Another tear…
This one even felt warmer and shone brighter with the reflections of the sun…
She wished for a different series of events, a better situation where she could go on to nurture what they had…
She lays down the phone on the table this time…
She opens a new word document and her laptop and eagerly starts typing away her thoughts in order to close the windows again of her aching soul and fatigued heart…
first of all beebee... as long as u r in the room, it can never be empty or cold!!
cuz once someone enters this room, he/she will feel like the rooms is full of people, one full of love, one full of passion, one full of dreams, one full of sadness, one full of success, one full of fun, one full of joy, one full of emotions, one full of creativity, one full of warmth.... and so on... the room is always crowded within ur presence...
"he still remembers her" how can he forget?!?! a milion msgs were writen before this one was sent!! neutral, cuz he was cautious!! concern for her, he sure is!!
I dream with the day when I'll be able to live in an empty house, with no furniture, in place where the window will stand open so the sun and the wind can enter every morning.
Underlying these empty spaces -- reflecting my heart empty of sorrows -- all the past that once had to be endured will fade away as the air in, out and above will be filled with ideas, hope, laughter and joy, as my mind is able to achieve.
Really, to be full and happy, is to carry just what you can take with you everywhere... And that's nothing more than what you carry with your mind, heart and soul. Ultimately, even our bodies will surrender the burdens of life... I look forward to this day as I know that finally I'll be free of my existence as thing and I'll be completely as being.
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