It was night time… They both have missed each other for so long… At least she was certain she did!
Upon seeing each other, they moved closer, embraced each other, craving the warmth of this embrace, wanting more, desiring one another, breathing heavily…
Behind the half opened window and the silhouettes playfully moving to the cold night breeze, she gently sought his ear and whispered: "Love me…"
He didn't know what it was that she really wanted, but he felt it… And as the "man" that he was, he wanted to fulfill her need!
He took her hand, lead her into the room…
She hated that room… It was messy and cold… It made her feel alienated from the world and isolated from herself…
Yet, she loved that room… It was, after all, the place where they had shared the countless smiles, the deepest secrets and the dangerous adventures!
He pulled her hand, sat her on the bed, right next to him and looked in her eyes…
He played with her hair, just the way she taught him to… He touched her face, just the way she would have wanted…
In between the sheets, their bodies moved and swayed to the sounds of the silence…
Blackness… Silence…
He now sits on the edge of the bed, alone… He buries his head into his hand while she lays on the other side thoughtful yet trying to maintain a blank face…
Again, he could not rise up to the occasion… He could not "love her" like she needed… He could not "be with her" like she wanted…
His "impotence" in love was definite now and she knew what she had to do…
You see? Many scientific books and websites speak of male impotence when it comes to the male's inability to "satisfy both partners by not being able to maintain an erection"!
These references speak of impotence as being, strictly, a sexual problem. I beg to differ…
I think males, and some females as well, face a more "treacherous" problem when it comes to impotence: Impotence of the heart!
Failing to "erect" your feelings, bring them to life and / or moving them is also impotence!
In the above scene I created, I need to emphasize the following: "Love me" was in no way meant to be of sexual nature for love itself constitutes greater values and meanings…
At the end of the scene, when "he" realizes his impotence to really "love a woman", I strictly mean that he is unable to have his heart rise to the occasion of loving, giving, caring, understanding and so on…
On a different level, some men and women, equally, share a third type of impotence: that of the mind… Due to many factors such as upbringing, the society, the field of work, the education level, friends and others, even the mind is sometimes unable to make decisions or be productive even with the proper simulation and motivation!
He gets up from the bed, walks slowly to the door, takes a fast glance at her darkness shadowed body and leaves…
She is certain of what has to be done now…
She closes her eyes and enters her pool of dreams….
********The End*************
Very fine......
Thank you :)
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