For what it's worth, I must admit that today, if only for a couple of hours, I felt that I do belong... Not to a certain community, culture, background or a specific place, rather to something larger and more powerful than you and I: nature...
I found myself shrinking into life as the warm breeze playfully and yet sometimes violently tangled and untangled the curly locks of my hair and while the blazing sun's rays gently stroke my skin and gradually painted my cheeks with a blush of pure pink...
And as I sat there, thinking of everyone and everything and yet no one and nothing all at the same time, I felt nature reach out to me and try to make its presence felt on a higher and much elevated level... It teased me when I tried to overcome the whispers of its winds by raising its voice louder than the music that played on my phone, it played with me through sending its bees to get me up and running! It also sang to me, a mixed melody of a well-performed orchestra carried by the leaves of its trees, the sound of its inhabitants and the voices of those who once before came out there and cried to it for help and serenity...
At that moment, I wished I could be a part of nature, a tree, a leaf or maybe even a bug...
I wished that it'd possible to break the chains that held me in this shrunk form I feel I am in and break lose and just be...
I wished that I could melt into the ground and become the soil that those majestically standing trees depend on...
And then, due to life, the perfect scene came to an end and on the road back to the tall buildings and traffic jam I was... Reminiscing the silence of the unknown vs. the noise of what is...
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