As if buried, deep inside a wall, trying harder and harder to push her way through the stones and rubble... Panting, reaching out, stumbling, falling down...
She wept...
Those were not the ordinary tears that you see any time she cries: this time, her tears were made of acid that slipped down her face burning her cheeks and leaving her numbed, as if fresh out of a plastic surgery...
She cried, no, wept, for 2 hours straight, non stop, with each tear ripping her insides just as the one before and the one right after...
She wept for the things she lost yet cherished so much...
She wept for the need in her to feel a warm sincere touch...
She ached, in her guts, for all the things her empty life was without,
She ached for the last time she was sure of anything, with no doubt!
Her eyes so puffed up, like cereal, "some milk please?"
She swallowed up a choked smile with no ease...
She wished someone, anyone, would try to understand...
She wished that someone would just take her hand...
Whether or not it was right to feel this way, she did feel it now!
And the pain from the past and the present has to be stopped somehow!
the burning tears...salty...a moment in time captured in words...if all emotions and pain were the same someone would have said it once and we would be able to understand one another instantly...but alas these things are just around the cornor...you can almost see them...and just can't see...so we keep useing words...and hope we find the right ones so someone will understand...sometimes understanding is asbstract...beyond words...and we go on...
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