Therefore, for my latest piece of machine generated "art", I present you with: Down with the Machines!
Mountains, oceans and distances can not separate us, but machines certainly can!
And whatever it is we want to do, the "machines" are always part of any plan!
The phones will keep ringing, mostly delivering the bad news like a crow of morose,
People tracking you down and whatever you do, wherever you go, someone knows!
Then there's the time set aside for games and the precious time we so ignorantly spend,
Forgetting the fact that every second broken you will never get back; you can never bend!
Our reality now is built on nothing more than e-mails, phones and other Internet tools,
Ignoring emotions and feelings, twisting, crunching and bending all humanities' rules!
Shame on me if I stand still when I see this world being dominated by "machines" and so!
Down with the machines I say, speak up, speak out, allow for the reality of who we are glow!
Machines are awesome ;)
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