Oh how I laugh, so ironically, at those who think that now that 2009 is gone, the year coming next, 2010, will be any better! The illusions they have about things changing to meet their moods and to suit their needs is just ridiculous!
What changed? Really? What changed between 31-12-2009 and 1-1-2010? Where was the magic wand that hovered across the earth solving everyone's problems and bringing their souls to a silent peace? Where was that fairy dust which showered the land with goodness and purified minds from evil?
The answer is simple: get realistic people; this is the real world! There are no fairies or magic dust, there is no magic wand... It is all the same, just another year carrying with it just other disappointments!
I tried reevaluating myself for the past four days, you know, since it's a "new year" and all. You know what I got? Nothing! A big fat hollow nothing!
Yeah I know, I've made mistakes: I've cried in my office for stupid reasons, I talked back to my mother when I shouldn't have, I allowed my pain to hurt others, I held faith in something that was never worth it. Yet, other than those few incidents, I have done nothing really wrong! I committed no BIG sins like killing, lying, stealing and so on!
Yet, my luck seems to be hating me! Karma seems to have placed me in its head; in a negative and unfavorable manner!
Stay tuned for my "new" year's resolutions!
"Oh how I laugh, so ironically, at those who think that now that 2009 is gone, the year coming next, 2010, will be any better! The illusions they have about things changing to meet their moods and to suit their needs is just ridiculous!"
Nothing changes to meet your needs and suit your mood. The only thing you can change is your own outlook and how you see this world.
The new year starts whenever you want it to start... screw the 12 month calendar that starts on Jan 1st... let it start on Feb 2nd or March 3rd... better yet... make it start right now...
Happy Healthy Prosperous New Year!
Thank you Mattheus for the reply and happy new year to you as well...
You said "my own outlook and the way I see the world", but do you really think that this is always doable? I mean what if you try butt here are many obstacles in the way?
And btw, March 3rd sounds good, it's my birthday :)
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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