Last night while visiting my friend who gave birth to a little
baby girl, I felt the most miraculous feeling ever!
While sitting there, staring at this small vulnerable one week old child, I was overwhelmed with peace and inner serenity, ones I have never yet felt before…
Holding her little hands, playing with her tiny delicate fingers, watching her move her cute feet around was just too overpowering that I couldn’t help but tear from the joy I felt…
In her mom’s eyes, I could see all the love she carried for her… The kind of love no one could provide except a mother to her child… The pure, strong, unconditional and unselfish love… The way she held her, talked to her and played with her… I could feel all the worries in her world fade as she looked into her baby’s eyes…
The more I watched baby Tala, the more I felt warmth tiptoe into my soul…
As I carried her and brought her closer to me, a feeling of helplessness slowly came over me…
Last night I didn’t think of anything or worry about nothing, and for the first time in ages, I fell asleep as soon as I laid my head down on the pillow…
God bless you baby Tala and Em Tala as well!

While sitting there, staring at this small vulnerable one week old child, I was overwhelmed with peace and inner serenity, ones I have never yet felt before…
Holding her little hands, playing with her tiny delicate fingers, watching her move her cute feet around was just too overpowering that I couldn’t help but tear from the joy I felt…
In her mom’s eyes, I could see all the love she carried for her… The kind of love no one could provide except a mother to her child… The pure, strong, unconditional and unselfish love… The way she held her, talked to her and played with her… I could feel all the worries in her world fade as she looked into her baby’s eyes…
The more I watched baby Tala, the more I felt warmth tiptoe into my soul…
As I carried her and brought her closer to me, a feeling of helplessness slowly came over me…
Last night I didn’t think of anything or worry about nothing, and for the first time in ages, I fell asleep as soon as I laid my head down on the pillow…
God bless you baby Tala and Em Tala as well!
mother's love is the purest ever!!
3o2balek ya beebee :) inshalla menshoflek banooteh bteshbahek :) she'll be the first hot banooteh in the world :D :D
and oh, i'm telling u from now, ur banooteh is already reserved to my son :D
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