Obviously, from my pervious post, you could sense the defeat in the tone I was using to address you… Therefore, I decided to dedicated this piece of writing to all those who stood by and watched me fall with no concern, regrets or sorrow and those who could have been there by offering a listening ear and a helping hand yet chose to live their lives as if I was never a part of it…
I will call this piece of writing: My Sweet Surrender…
Yes, once more, I admit I was utterly and gravely wrong…
I thought I was able to hold on, I believed that I was strong…
That I could make it by fighting for what I believe and know…
That this time no one will stand and mock me by saying: I told you so!
Now I know that things are not always what they seem to be…
I realize that it is not a choice and I am not completely free…
So I raise my white flag high above my head and scream:
I don’t want to struggle any more; I don’t even want to live my dream!
My sweet surrender is what I dedicate to you all…
I just hope you enjoyed watching me tumble and fall!
I will call this piece of writing: My Sweet Surrender…
Yes, once more, I admit I was utterly and gravely wrong…
I thought I was able to hold on, I believed that I was strong…
That I could make it by fighting for what I believe and know…
That this time no one will stand and mock me by saying: I told you so!
Now I know that things are not always what they seem to be…
I realize that it is not a choice and I am not completely free…
So I raise my white flag high above my head and scream:
I don’t want to struggle any more; I don’t even want to live my dream!
My sweet surrender is what I dedicate to you all…
I just hope you enjoyed watching me tumble and fall!
weird piece of writing!!!
u hope they enjoyed watching u tumble and fall?!?!?!
what r u talking about?!
well... i really have no comment here... just be careful and take care!! wish u the best beebee
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