This morning, unlike many others, and as she opened her tired yet curious eyes, she realized something she has been missing for almost 2 years or more: somewhere along that thorny road of life, she had forgotten to count her many blessings… She had forgotten to see the beauty of the roses furnishing the sides of her path and smell the scent of the cool morning breeze that welcomed her with serenity… She had forgotten to touch the tenderness of the simple joys that were hidden in the closest places to her reach…
And for the first time, in what seemed to be an eternity, she danced…
She danced to life…
She danced to the untouched happy moments…
She danced to the smiles of her friends…
She danced to the hopes of new beginnings…
She danced to the weary souls and tired eyes…
She danced to love, wherever it was…
She danced to the simplest gesture, from whoever it may be…
And as she felt her soul mingle with the layers within the music, she felt all the beauty in the world rest upon her hands and shoulders… Closed her eyes… And smiled thinking: I am alive!
That is beautiful! really liked it.
That's beautiful... Hope i can wake up to a morning like that.. it's been a long time since i enjoyed anything... Thank you
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