“Stop Sleeping!!”
What a weird title right? (A Sarcastic smile) - I know!!!
Let me explain to you how this idea came about!
As you may or may not have noticed, I don't really sleep much :) I usually take advantage of mix between the calm of the night and the traffic of my thoughts in order to sit, focus and write it them all down in whatever form comes to mind at the moment!
I love the night and most of all, I love the solitude is bestows upon me, the "self-inflicted" solitude if you may! You know, the kind that I place myself in not that vicious one which is sometimes caused unwillingly due to reasons such as pain, loneliness, lack of good friends, depression and such.
Here is where the tricky part comes in...
Sometimes, this calm night calls for a night companion, one whom I can talk to, discuss my fears, worries, hopes and dreams, laugh with, joke with and waste the night away with... Someone alongside my insomniac night ride to share with me the darkness outside and the light within... To listen to me and feel me...
"Stop sleeping!!" is my new expression! It means, simply, leave sleep for now and enjoy the night... Forget what they tell you about the benefits of 6-8 hours of sleep, it is all wasted time! Wake up and be around...
To all you heavy sleepers, and the not-so-heavy sleeping others: Hope your dreams are furnished with smiles...
Good night :)
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