Driving 140 Km/Hour, feeling the adrenaline rush, the fear, and feeling some kind of relief being from the world too far…
Music so loud, seat belt on, my thoughts chasing after me at a higher speed…
Hoping to feel more at ease, hoping to feel free from pain and from need…
Everything seems so illusory passing me by so quickly, the world feels so unreal…
The people, the cars, the road and the trees appear to be figments of a painting rather surreal…
In the midst of it all, memory flashbacks come to me; they place themselves on the passenger's seat…
I become more aware of my senses, my every breath and my every stumping heart beat…
At the end, I reach the road where speed is no longer an option for me to take…
I slow down, I end my rush, and smoothly those memories I begin to shake…
140 Km/Hour...
i didn't go that fast myself yet with this car!! :D
yalla next time... on the high way to aqaba :D w inshalla more relief next time!!
so,u tried what i told you to do heheh,good girl,but listen,ntibhe min swa2it ghayrik ok,,yalla be carefulllll
good that u were using your seat belt ? fi cameras on the airport road ;P
fi cameras on the airport road... but unless it shows a curly hair in the photo... they'll think it was me!! :)
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