It can make my soul sing and take away all the tears and the silent cries…
Nothing can be sweeter, warmer or more peaceful than a baby's smile…
It could lift my spirits up and make me strong when I'm on the edge of feeling fragile…
I think all babies are so innocent and so beautiful… Just as butterflies…
One day, I hope I will have my own (though he/she will not have blue eye and will hopefully have curly hair like mine!)
any smile that comes straight fromt eh heart can be as cute and adorable and TRUE as this one
how u doin girl
its been a long time since i stopped by :)
Heyyyyy... I've noticed! Where have u been???
Um, I disagree with u for one reason, adults are polluted by life and its daily hardships that they lose the "innocence" and "purity" in their looks and smiles...
Anyway, thanx for the comment! I love to hear all my readers' opinions about what I write! Have a great day!
u r 100% right... nothing can beat this smile... eventhough i don't know this baby, but i smile everytime i see him... it's so pure...
on the other hand, well, there r some people who still have innocent smiles and others have angelic smiles like urs, i've always told u that, u have an angelic smile that spread joy and hope for those who see it...
please try to keep smiling, cuz no matter how pure or innocent ur smile is, it'll make those around u feel better and smile with u...
have a nice day full of smiles and laughs!!
beebee whats in the inside shines on the outside....so if you are pure deep inside then you can pull of a smile like this one...if you turly smile from teh bottom of your heart....and wallah girl to me these smiles are more adorable than babies smiles :)
I have to say....they are rare :/
i agree with zeezazoo your smile is contagious :D
7abibti Ghaida! Thank u! I hope u had a great time last night... Mwaahh.. Hope to c u again real soon. Love u
contagious... finally... that's the word i was looking for :D her smile is contagious and her laugh too :D :D i guess prego agree with us :D :D
keep smiling beebee and ghaida :)
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