He wasn't the greatest man alive yet he had qualities that no other men had…
He spoke words of true honesty and walked tall with pride yet no ego…
He filled her days with smiles though he caused her mind to grieve…
He knew how to manipulate her in ways she had never known but she didn't mind…
He was, by far, the biggest mystery of her life, the best thing that ever happened to her, and the worst thing she could ever lose…
He understood her, more importantly; he understood himself and the world outside…
He was not perfect in any way yet all his imperfections turned him into this irresistible and somehow alarming personality…
He was a man, in every sense that that word can carry…
He had so much on his mind and always so much to do that sometimes she felt left behind yet when he was there, his presence filled her soul with a kind of joy she has never experienced before…
In a matter of months, he was able to place himself deep inside her heart so firmly that everything he did or might have done, seemed to fade away in the moment their eyes met…
His strength made her stronger, his ambitions challenged her, his smile melted years of sorrow the years have built…
He was unlike everyone she knew or anyone she could ever meet…
He was, simply, "one of the most beautiful people she had ever met, from both the inside and the outside"…
maybe its time for butterflies to visit ur blog again instead of the royal black.
inspirational! so well put together that the words sing and strike a cord inside us.
neyelo x100 :)
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