Sometimes, memories of a time that seems so far away, almost unreal, come knocking at your door:
A time when your pain felt like a bleeding tumor... Or a time when you threatened to leave and begged to be free...
Those times when life seemed impossible and a smile seemed deceased and unthinkable!
Luckily though, we, human beings, are running against the tide of life, trying to make it through... Our daily struggles outweigh the painful memories of life and force us to move on and forget...
But at night, when we are all alone, without a breath by our side, a snore in our ear or even alcohol to numb our senses, the memories find a hole to seep through and tickle our imagination...
And somehow, for just a few minutes before we go to sleep, they take over us and seize our actual existence...
Whether good or bad... Cheers to the almighty memories!