Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blood Stained Sheets...

Gently, she lifted up the blood stained sheets...
She could still hear her slaughtered heart, faintly, it beats...

In the midst of her confusion,
Perplexed that maybe it was all an illusion...

She screamed!

The blood stains were bigger and redder than she thought they'd ever be...

She wrapped herself in her own arms as tears dribbled...
Onto the sheets in a rain of drizzles...

The stains grew paler and bigger...

No, those were not the blood stains after a wedding night!
Neither those you'd have after a gruesome fight...

Those stains were only of pure deceit...
Broken words...
Unfulfilled promises...
Steps that were never taken...
Those stains were impossible to treat!

She paced around a memory haunted room...
Her sheets as a white bride's dress missing a groom!

"He said he loved me, he swore he was true"...
Yet again words are cheap and talk is dew!

The blood stained sheets tightly strangled her feet...
And as she fell, she felt pure agony and veritable defeat...

Whispers of his voice played in her head as she swooned into absence...
Mind, body and soul irrevocably numb, paucity of feeling, lack of presence...

Flashbacks of a life she never lived with him played as movies scenes in front of her swollen eyes...
Black is the color of sorrow she saw finally before she uttered her concluding cries!


Wael Nawwal said...

Ouch...By all means. Just don't forget that we guys feels the very same thing (and I am not going to exaggerate and say "if not more", but some even do). I am sharing this on my profile if you dont mind.

Just Ray said...

Such stains .. can never be treated my dear ,,
am always here between ur words .. standing helpless infront of those magnificent poetry figures u draw in my head .. makes me always thinks not once not twice but more and more before i handle my pen and spread the words ,, those valuable words filled with sensation .. always thrills me ,,
keep on the amazing expressions u fill us with ..
with all Respect

Sammy said...

ouch, poor girl

R. Khoury said...

i could never miss a note you write!!
deep.. as always!

Qais Aqtash said...

pretty much it !!.. nice work ,, it was all an illusion like the white cursed man in the big city !


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