Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sleep Catcher!

When we are young, with hands not yet scratched from life's thorns and memories not yet tainted from time's flaws, most of us dream of having the simplest icons of joy: getting a little toy as a present, going out with mommy for an ice cream or even being allowed to play in the garden with the neighbor's kids!

As we grow older, our dreams change, just as we do...

And now, as I lay in my bed, restless and sleepless, the irony of one specific dream strikes me: my dream of having a big beautiful dream catcher in my room, over my bed, to capture all those nasty and wicked dreams which always used to creep into my sleep!

Now, at almost 27, I wish for something bigger and more rare: a sleep catcher! I NEED TO SLEEP!

I mean in addition to my flu and its ramifications (the cough, headaches and fever), there are also the many aggravating thoughts that do not seize to stop or pause; the worries about what's to come, the concerns about how to deal...

And all I want to do now is just sleeeeeeep!

P.S: This might be my last post, at least for a long time. Therefore, you now have the time to go through the older posts since this will be my 518th published piece!

Monday, January 04, 2010

Illusions of a Better Year!

The human mind is such a complex, and sometimes even scary, place! It's like a room; sometimes filled with happy, jolly voices, laughs of kids, scents of different roses, memories of good moments while at other times it is just dark, empty and tangled up, filled with painful stories of a life never lived, of a hope never fulfilled, of a love never returned and of a smile stolen away from time!

Oh how I laugh, so ironically, at those who think that now that 2009 is gone, the year coming next, 2010, will be any better! The illusions they have about things changing to meet their moods and to suit their needs is just ridiculous!

What changed? Really? What changed between 31-12-2009 and 1-1-2010? Where was the magic wand that hovered across the earth solving everyone's problems and bringing their souls to a silent peace? Where was that fairy dust which showered the land with goodness and purified minds from evil?

The answer is simple: get realistic people; this is the real world! There are no fairies or magic dust, there is no magic wand... It is all the same, just another year carrying with it just other disappointments!

I tried reevaluating myself for the past four days, you know, since it's a "new year" and all. You know what I got? Nothing! A big fat hollow nothing!

Yeah I know, I've made mistakes: I've cried in my office for stupid reasons, I talked back to my mother when I shouldn't have, I allowed my pain to hurt others, I held faith in something that was never worth it. Yet, other than those few incidents, I have done nothing really wrong! I committed no BIG sins like killing, lying, stealing and so on!

Yet, my luck seems to be hating me! Karma seems to have placed me in its head; in a negative and unfavorable manner!

Stay tuned for my "new" year's resolutions!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Her Last Words...

"The right time is now; this is the perfect crime scene," she thought..."Whatever happens to her now, no on is going to know about it, at least for days".

Smirking to herself, she continued to think, "no one will care any way!"

She did care though; she cared too much.

That's why, after some thought to it, she figured out what was missing in her master plan; the missing piece to the big puzzle... "I need to say good bye to everyone who has been there, put me down or hurt me... Everyone who made me feel worthless... Everyone who held my hand... Everyone who broke my heart... Everyone who has lied to me... Everyone who loved me..."

Therefore, she decided to write a personal letter to each and every one who left some kind of print on her life... By initials, so she won't embarrass them or make them too obvious!

The posts to come were those letters...

My New Year, in Ruins...

Just yesterday evening, I remember having a very short yet sincere conversation with myself about the coming year and how people, all around the world, celebrate the "special" new year's eve through multiple ways, various rituals and different mentalities.

I also remember telling myself, in efforts to lessen the value of this day to me:

Every year has been worse than the one before, so why celebrate? Why not just sit at home, light little miserable candles, put off the lights, shut the doors and close the windows, put on some sad music and cry for the year to come for it will definitely be yet another year filled with pain, anger, disappointment and every other negative feeling possible?!

Don't judge me yet, I know it sounds pitiful, I really do... But why smile for a year that has already decided to frown back at me?

Well, the ironic thing is, I had prepared for new year's eve! I bought a new short black dress which covers my thin, ill-looking figure. I went to the salon and colored my nails in a bold and daring color to proof to myself that things can change. I also booked an appointment at the salon which I did go to after I was forced to cancel all the plans I was looking forward to!

So there I am, at the salon, and I'm figuring things out. At the sink, while getting my hair treatment, it all just hit me: my life is a joke! The things I believe in are fake and those whom I trusted for so long have been deceiving me all along; they never really cared and all their words were lies and their actions, simple games that my naive mind did not catch on to sooner!

Right there, at the sank, in the middle of tens of heads waiting to be showered and blow-dried, and amongst around 8 hairstylists and 5 or more helpers, at that sink, while the music was blasting: my pain took the form of warm wet tears that jumped out of my eyes and onto my rosy cheeks, and I burst into tears...

Curious eyes surrounding me... Whispers "why is she crying, what is wrong with her?" all around... Then a gentle yet clueless voice approaches me saying "please come with me to the private area".

In my mind, I thought of how embarrassing and inconvenient my pain was to all those happy people who are anxiously waiting to get out there, enjoy this night with someone they love or with family and friends... They all had smiles and haste drawn all over their faces. They had hope for a great night followed by a "new" year steaming from their pores and wet heads! While I just sat there, as a proof to all of them, that maybe this is all fake, and that regardless of how happy you try to make yourself, you might simply lose at the end!

If it is God's will for me to be in this pain, so be it, I can't argue with his will or my destiny... Yet it is not God's will, it is man's will... For the carelessness and selfishness of man can never be more harsh than this!

An even bigger slap in the face this time. My hair is ready: looking all shiny, tidy and full of life... Unlink my soul which is struggling to smile for all those who made sure to pass by "the private area" and make sure that I am doing better now, before they go off and do whatever it is they planned for this "god forsaken" night.

So I'm on my way out... I get into the car, where I had left an extra change of clothes, cream, perfume and sandals in the back seat.. But I've got no where to go, better yet, no where to go that I would want to be!

Flash forward, a few hours later...

It is one a.m. It still feels like an extension of 2009. Nothing has changed!

I unpacked the bag which held hope for a smile...
I unplugged the life system which my wishes were plugged into...
I unsang every song that I was planning to rejoice that night...
I unbuttoned the dress of desire and love...

And from then, until about 5, all I did was stare blankly into the screen of my Mac, stupidly waiting, hoping and wishing some more...

Morning came, and nothing changed...

In my bed, on those same pillows, I cried again... I cried to have lost everything I had: the one man that ever loved me, the one person that I ever loved, the girl I trusted yet brought me all types of pain, the mother I missed yet has no clue of the pain that I'm in...

And now, all I have are my words to gently try to wipe the tears off my no longer rosy cheeks...

I hate where I am because of you... And I hope, one day, you will realize the damage you've done...


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