Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stray Thoughts...

I'd like to think of myself as a "good person", not by society standards since those have been flushed down the drain ages ago, rather by my own set of accumulated standards!

As a "good person", I expect bad things happening to me since I strongly believe that "bad things happen to good people". However, I don't claim to understand why this is the case, and I never think I would be able to!

Moving on...

In a world where female workers commit suicide from over working on manufacturing a product such as the iPad, and where others are butchered around the world on a daily basis just because they are women, I wonder: am I supposed to consider myself lucky?

Maybe, maybe not...

I think I will find out sooner or later!

On a different note, I've been seriously reconsidering my whole belief system regarding friendship, love and loyalty: have I been wrong about them all this time?

Does friendship truly exist? And if it does, has it changed its face into that of a creepy monster lurking in the shadows of the night?

Does love matter? Is it really worth all the sacrifices we make?

Is loyalty a two way lane or just an overrated concept that only applies to consumers in the product and service markets?

I wonder...



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