Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dedicated to Two Young Lovers...

Two days ago, before the sun decided to hide behind the clouds and chills of the night crept into the day, someone told me that true love is just a myth; it is something authors invented and it only existed in their books!

I sighed and for a second there, I almost believed…

Then, I met a love story, one which has been there for five full years and is still going on…

I doubted again: True love does exist!

To that couple I dedicate this piece of writing…

Maybe some deny the existence of love and its great power,
Yet others still sense, smell, taste and live love by the hour.

Maybe we've never been introduced to love some time before,
And maybe it just didn't yet find its way to our door.

Yet seeing those two together made me again see and believe,
Love does exist, love in its purest form, one which won't lie or deceive.

Their fight for each other made my heart warm and tingle with bliss,
Their struggle with the world to embrace that love filled me with happiness.

Nothing is always perfect and they knew they needed to hold on,
The world outside their love is irrelevant, their fear of tomorrow almost gone.

Seeing those two fight, play and joke around brought my faith in love once more,
So thank you both for everything and you love I will always protect and adore…

The Man of The Long Gone Past...

There was a man who I, once upon time, loved so dearly,
Of my love he was not worthy and that showed continuously and clearly!

I still refused to believe and tried as hard as I could to prove them all wrong,
I stood there by his side, I watched him go, and I saw him deceive me all along.

Then came a day when we were both apart,
We decided to end it all, get a new start.

He was far away but always haunted me with vague promises and words,
He dried up the green dreamy meadows of my heart and killed all the birds.

I tried everything to get him back in my life, closer to me,
I wanted to be there in any possible way I could be.

I offered him a friendship on a silver plated dish,
I wanted to be around him by any means and that was my wish.

He was selfish; never ever tried to be there by my side,
He would always find excuses to run and others to hide!

Every time I got into any kind of trouble,
The absence he chose made my pains double!

One day my house, while I slept, went on fire!
I turned to him again and he accused me of being a liar!

At that point it hit me hard and sure!
He was the cancer and could never be the cure!

It is all gone now, the bad memories and good times too!
His picture in my mind's nest just got up and flew!

I will never fall to that man or anyone like him as long as I live,
I will choose carefully next time for whom my precious heart to give!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Overwhelming Winds of Change...

Waves bashing against the rocks, breaking into a billion tears…
Winds smashing into the walls of nothingness and stirring up the fears…
Storms of despair creeping in with so much determination to destroy the coming years!

She knew it was time to take off her old sorrows and dress in white…
She was certain she had to be strong and find the will in her to fight…
She wanted to find a new hope, a different delight…

Dark nights came and bright days fled away…
She had nothing further she could say…
She thrived to break free and save the day!

Rains fiercely dropped onto the parched cheeks and she wiped them away with her hands…
She pulled her hair back and tied up the drenched and fuzzy strands…
One further step into the grounds of the unknown and into the distant lands…

The strings on her poppet soul she was able to cut loose…
Her mental clock alarm she decided to put on snooze…
It's time for her to take a decision; it's time for her to choose!

Dark nights came and bright days fled away…
She had nothing further she could say…
She thrived to break free and save the day!

Mending Bridges...

Break free from clings like desperation,
Place your faith ahead of you; find your destination.

Toughen up; don't wait for a helping hand to save you,
Sober up from your dreams; or you'll never come through.

Some will blame you and others will fight you with their might,
Keep it together; you've seen the shadows and you've tasted the light!

Keep believing in what you are and hold on to those so dear,
Make no promises you can't keep; lend a helping hand, a listening ear!

Close your eyes so tight, make a sincere wish,
Don't fill up your mind or overload your dish!

Never give up faith in a better day to come and sweep you of your feet,
Cuddle up in your bed with happy thoughts; keep your tears away from your pillow and sheet!

Only great friendships will last; others will fade away,
Knowing that will make you able to face your day.

Against love only we will always yield and succumb,
Wait patiently for that true love will one day come!

Run, Sing & Play....

Run into the sun!
Win something you have never won!
Your life has just begun!

Run into me,
Come and set me free,
Let the past just be!

Run with a smile,
Learn me inside out for a while,
Take steps so agile!

Sing a song,
I'll try to sing along,
Don't hold it in too long!

Sing your pain away,
I know you have much to say,
Let's together savor the day!

Sing with pride,
Never again run and hide,
Look ahead your hope is wide!

Play a game,
Do it with no shame!
I will do the same!

Play in and out,
Never in your dreams doubt,
Show them what it's all about.

Play it'll be okay,
I will draw you a way,
Come on and play!

Relationships: Celebrating Failure!

It has been a while now since I wrote anything personal… I have been so caught up in my articles for the magazine, which although can be very interesting and challenging yet have to be void of private feelings or any form of bias…

I feel I need a break to write about me now, to vent…

There are many times which I took haven in my won words…
Many times which I hid in my own writings and used them as an escape from my own feelings…
My thoughts sometimes feel like a loose cannon which might discharge and attack at any given moment and I use writing as a way to run away from confrontation or as a way to tame my thoughts…

I need to tame my thoughts again… I need to run and hide deep in my words…

The subject I will address today is a common one, one which many of you have thought of and have written about: relationships… Yet, today, I would like address it in a different manner and celebrate the failure of my relationships with you!

Whether they were love relations, friendships or relationships between family members, relationships are very complicated.

The constant struggle to maintain any kind of relationship is overwhelming…

The amount of time and effort that should be placed in every relationship is consuming…

The ability to balance the rights and the wrongs and the goods and bads in any relationship is overrated and never accurate…

Relationships are very sensitive and fragile…

They are a bond between two people who have shared different experiences and have different personalities…

Relationships are measured by their quality and some even measure them by time…

They are one of the greatest valuable assets one might have…

I come here today, and I raise my white flag and confess: I failed!

I failed to be the part of the relationship I always aimed to be…

I failed to play the role of the "maintainer" or the "fixer" which I continuously inspired to take on…

My understanding of the complexity and fragility of relationships is the main reason for my confession… I should have known better… I should have been wiser…

Let's celebrate my failure today yet hope for some successes tomorrow...

A Day's Closure...

I still believe that there is a pure goodness in everyone I meet…
I trust that purity of a soul can not become a completely stained sheet!

Deep inside each of us, I know there lives an innocent and lost child…
A child who is scared of facing life; who constantly we try to hide…

There in the horizon, there must be a better day for us which we need to seek…
However we view life, we should face the pain and strive never to be weak…

I comprehend that things are not always what they seem to be…
That there is no certain end until you can be yourself and I can be me!

I wish for a better understanding of things that will come along…
Until then I will do what I think is right, even if it turns out to be wrong!

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