Monday, July 31, 2006

Qana II....

Why all this hatred? Well, as a friend told me, and I totally agree, we would never think of "signing a bomb" to be launched against Israel... Although I guess we are not to blame if we do so after all the pain and destruction they are causing our people... So why? How could someone be so insensitive? So brutally cold? This is pure cold-blooded murder!
This indiscriminate death of civilians, all these children, corpses, packed in bags to be buried in some collective grave....
I'm speechless.... A moment of silence for all those innocent souls and more to come....

In The Memory of Naji Al Ali....

Sunday, July 30, 2006

غابت شمس الحق - جوليا
غابت شمس الحق
وصار الفجر غروب
صدر الشرق انشق
وتسكرت الدروب
منرفض نحنا نموت
قولون رح نبقى
أرضك والبيوت والشعب العم يشقى
هو ألنا يا جنوب
يا حبيبي يا جنوب

كلن يا جنوب باعوك الكلام
والعدل مصلوب ومع ينزف السلام
شو همنا الحروب
شو همنا الحروب
رح نبقى نحنا هون
ويفنى كل الكون
ولا ينقص حبة من ترابك يا جنوب

منخاف يا جنوب من غدر الزمان
من ويل الحروب من لوعة الحرمان
مع كل اللي صار
رح تبقى النا الدار
ورح يرجع شجر الغار
يزهر بأرضك يا جنوب

This is Painful, To the Point of Laughter!

Can You Believe The Audacity!!?

While browsing through blogs, reading posts, this is one of the posts that caught my eye and gave me a sick feeling in my stomach!

In his weekly radio address on Saturday, President Bush called the conflict in the Midlle East "painful and tragic" but also "a moment of opportunity for broader change in the region."
What opportunities??? A new Middle east? Like this one below??? Is this what we really want??

The Arab Fear??

Is this what the Arabs are afraid for?
To be left alone with no allies? Friends? "Powerful" ones if I may add?

Sincere Apology....

To all those who I care about so much...
To all my friends who are always trying to help and getting silence in return...
To my family who recently only see me in tears or in a bad mood...
I owe you a sincere apology...
It just feels like... I don't know if I can say it, well, it feels like my love for "the cause", and my anger regarding how it's being handled, has left no room for tolerance or love...
I feel so empty and paralized!
And I'm so sorry....

"سكين المطبخ ..."

وها هي "إسرائيل" تستخدم "أسلحة ذكية

قنابل في منتهى النباهة, ومفرقعات في منتهى النجابة, ورصاص ممتاز من ناحية التحصيل العلمي, و"خوذات" مثابرة, وشظايا نظيفة وأنيقة ومتفوقة, ودمّ مجتهد ومواظب..

هل يوجد أسلحة غبية وبليدة وبلهاء وحمقاء و"هبلة"/ متخلّفة عقليا/ ذات حاجة خاصة؟

قالت جثث واسعة الاطلاع انه لا فرق بين عتمة وعتمة إذا انتقل النزيل من قبر إلى قبر: الكفن ابيض, ولكن العتمة حالكة بصرف النظر عن كميّة التراب التي أهالوها عليك. وأنت لا تعرف في العادة اسم القاتل...!

"أسلحة ذكية"...

بماذا نصف "الشبرية"؟ "الهراوة"؟ سكين المطبخ؟ الرمح الذي اخترق ظهر "حمزة" في "معركة أحد"؟ "البلطة" التي استخدمها "راسكلينوكوف" في رواية "الجريمة والعقاب"؟

"أسلحة ذكية", وأسلحة بائسة و"عديمة المفهومية", وإنسان مسكين يتحايل ويجتهد من أجل أن يحظى في نهاية المطاف بموت تقليدي وعادي ونظيف. ولكن هذا لا يحصل, ولن يحصل أبدا, ذلك أن أمريكا أدخلت تعديلات جوهرية على الموت: صار لنا وحدنا, والموتى الآخرون دخلاء, أدعياء, لا علاقة لهم بما يستجدّ من أشلاء

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Why should an innocent young boy go through all this pain?

Why is this mother's soul so cheap?

Why isn't anyone doing anything about this?

Why are we blinding ourselves?

Why? Questions, and many more, left with no answer....

I Asked God...

I asked God to take away my habit.God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No. His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No.
Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is learned.

I asked God to give me happiness. God said, No. I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain. God said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares & brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, No. You must grow on your own! but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life. God said, No. I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me LOVE others. God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Joke in Ghaza!

تدور النكتة التالية في غزة : اتصلت أمّ الجندي الأسير جلعاد شليت مع إذاعة الأقصى وقالت التالي: كيف حالك يمّه يا جلعاد، إنشا الله تكون بخير يمّه، بيسلْموا عليك خواتك وعمامك وخوالك، وأخوك نجح في التوجيهي يمّه. والله يمّه وأولمرت أجا زارنا وأعطانا 700 شيكل إلك وقال إلْنا: هذول الفلوس مؤقتاً لغاية ما نعمل وزارة للأسرى وإن شاء الله حنبعتهم إلك مع الهلال الأحمر المصري ولا يهمّك يمه، وكيف الجلاعيد الإثنين؟ بتشوفهم؟ ديروا بالكو على بعض، إنشا الله يمّه بجيكوا كمان جلعاد علشان تسيروا أربعة وتلعبوا طرنيب

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Small Hint From the Past...


First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Communist....

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Jew....

Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up, because I was a Protestant....

Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me!

"Rev. Martin J. Niemoller speaking on the Nazi era in Germany, 1945"


First they came for the Palestinians, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Palestinian....

Then they came for Hezbollah, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't from Hezbollah....

Then they came for the Lebanese, and the Arabs didn't speak up because they are not Lebanese....

Then they will come for you, Arabs, and by that time there will no one be left to speak up for you!

"Saïd Merheb"

Monday, July 24, 2006

What If?

After having a long conversation with dad this morning... Some questions surfaced in my mind...

What if I was in lebanon when all this began? Would I be scared? Would I be helping out? Would I be crying my eyes out? Or Would I have been strong? Would I be in Beirut still? Or would I be in the mountains with my freinds? Or on my way back to Amman?
Would my mom call me there? Would she think of leaving Jordan and coming to Beirut to be with me? If she couldn't do that, would she be ok? Would she be able to go on with her life as if nothing has happened?
What would dad be doing right now? Where would he be? On TV? On the radio? On the front?
My little brother... How scared would he be? How herioc would he try to seem? What would his reaction be to every bomb and shooting he ehars?

See? Things always follow a certain pattern we can never figure out... A sequence of events that lead to different reactions we might have never expected... This is the simple fact of life...

What if.... I wish that... If only.... Words and words, just to explain a human condition at a certain point in time...

Sunday, July 23, 2006


I'm sure many of the people who read my blog are almost bored out of their wits hearing talk about life and it's irony, disappointments and pain... But really, as Arabs, no, as citizens actually, what else could one talk about???
Just two days ago, I heard that my home in Beirut is being taken over my homeless refugees who have been bombed out of their homes and sent wandering in the streets looking for a shelter! It made me think: What should I feel? How should my response be?
Well, I am recently experiencing the ups and lows of everyday life... Be it inside my home, with the family or be it on TV or just by hanging out with my friends or talking to them on the phone...
I have come to realize the value of laughter, that laughter accompanied my tears of despair, resulting from pure inability of taking any kind of action in response to the current situation!
See, the problem is as follows:
Sometimes a small crack of hope can allow for a breath of freedom and liberty, yet, at others, all the pain in the world could accumulate in your soul that no small ray of light could even penetrate!
Cuffed and stranded, exiled, this is how it feels being right here, right now, behind the keyboard, unable to do anything I can call "useful" for my countries (Lebanon and Palestine), for my family, or even for myself!
But you know what really keeps me holding on? It's those old Palestinian and Lebanese songs I used to listen to when I was about six or seven... Their lyrics keep me alive, their meanings give me strength, even if it is limited to the time I recite them!
At the top right of this piece of writing, is an image of a symbol many of you know and respect... To me, he is another string of hope....

Friday, July 21, 2006

Good vs. Bad... The Concept of Relativity

A friend of mine pointed out a fact that I almost gave up thinking about lately....
Are there good vs bad people?
Who are the good people? Where are they? And who are the bad ones?
What makes you good or bad? What makes it possible to judge people in that particular sense?
Good, as defined by the dictionary, is: having the qualities that are desirable or distinguishing in a particular thing, worthy of respect; honorable, etc..
Bad, on the other hand, is: being evil; sinful, vulgar or obscene.
So are these enough to make out if a person is good or bad? And who can confirm that these are the only factors one can use to figure out this contradiction?
Ok... A few more questions then: Can a good person turn bad? And is it possible for a bad person to become good?
Why would such a change occur?
How could it happen?
And what makes one sure this is a true change, not a temporary state due to a certain situation or event?
See? good and bad, love and hate, happiness and sadness, peace and war, these are all relative terms... They depend on the relativity factor!

"A man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. He sits on a hot stove for a minute, it's longer than any hour. That is relativity."
Albert Einstein


It feels like a lost a soul mate today...
No, that would under estimate what that person meant to me...
A friend, a father, a brother, a partner... In every sense of the word...
I won't blame life's irony... I won't blame fate... I won't blame anyone but myself this time...
It should have been different... I know it should...
I'm guilty, guilty as charged... And I'm sorry... So sorry...
"You will always be someone dear... Even if you choose to be never near...
You will always have a special place in my mind and heart... Though we might be worlds apart....
I wish you all the best that life could bring to you.... I wish you all the happiness, and I swear it's true..."

Monday, July 17, 2006

Life... Is a Box of Chocolates!

Someone said once "Life is a box of chocolates...." I finally understand why and how!
Nothing in life can happen twice exactly the same...
People you meet, places you go, things you do, or emotions you feel...
Every experience on it's own is a piece of chocolate, one in a million variety...
Each one leads you to a different dimension, ora and realm...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Mixed in the Mix!

I'm drowning in a whirlpool of mixed emotions...
Never felt this way before...
I have all these jumbled feelings and mixed notions...
I can't tend to forget or ignore...
I feel an urge to stand on the rooftops and shout out to the world so loud!
But I just don't know what to say, I don't know what I should talk about!
The world seems so small and the air seems so rare...
My whole existance is shaken, and all I can offer is my pain to share...
A new life is born, many are taken away...
The joy of the first miracle tends to destroy the other!
I wish, I hope, I want, I may...
But where does it get me if no one seems to bother!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Lebanon Under Fire

Eyes focused on the TV screens....
Hearts beating with every bomb dropped down on our people...
Fists clenched with anger and frustration...
Bodies alert...
Our resistance begins in our little home... Where we all, parents and kids, stand hoping and wishing that the Arab World will wake up and see that they are needed...
Nothing could bring us more together except a tragic incidence like the one our Lebanese people are going through right now...
Our calls and cries reach out to you... Let us try to end this, right here, right now....
Let us fight, let us rebel, let us stand with our heads up high and show them that we still care and that we don't easily scare!

Friday, July 14, 2006

أنا بنتك يا بيروت

يا بيروت يا ست الدنيا يا بيروت
أنا وحدة من الألوف ياللي واقفين معك و قلوبن عم بتصليلك
يا بيروت إنت رح تصمدي لأنك تعودتي تواجهي بدون خوف أو تردد
أنا بنتك و بالرغم من بعدي عنك أنا بحسك و بأهلك الطيبين و بحرك و هواكي

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Li Beirut....

I woke up this morning clueless of what's going on in the world around me...
It was all so unreal, so brutally painful to hear and watch what's going on in the city that I proudly share the same name with...
It is so unfair what those ignorant yet powerful colonial states impose on us (the Arab world)...
Where are all those Arabs? Where are the people? Why are they silent? Why don't they lend a hand?
As an Arab, I strongly condemn the actions of those who numb their feelings, close their eyes and block their hearing about what's going on in the world around them...
I wish there was something I can do, I wish I had some kind of power to help, I hate just standing back and watching, with eyes loaded with tears....
Beirut, I feel your pain....


Many sang about Alexandria... Thousands, maybe millions, chanted along... But you can never feel what any of them did until you actually breathe in its humid yet refreshing air, meet its simple yet pure citizens and walk on its crammed yet traditionally warm pavements...
My experience at Alexandria was a complete one; it was loaded with social, emotional and physical ups and downs....
Alexandria marks a whole chapter in the book of my life....

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I'm leaving... To another country, for yet another new experience...
In case I don't have Internet access there, I will miss adding new posts and reading those "touching" and heart-felt cooments many of you leave behind as they exit my world!
Can't wait to get the chance to share all my feelings and experiences with you once again..

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Dedicated To Love... A Chapter in My Book

We don’t fall in love once; we do it over and over gain yet it differs each time and its level of intensity varies.
It is not always what people are willing to give, and for me, it never was it was always how much I am able and willing to give I guess it's just me. I learnt to love beyond any sanity boarders, I mastered giving endlessly yet expecting no return and I have been hurt so many times for that but still, when it comes to me being with someone who I can’t give my all to, I stay away and don’t try to bother; I’d rather be alone. Then, I can divide all my love, care and attention between those who are around me and who care about my well-being.
I believe that in any experience one should go through, he/she should be ready to give it all they have, all they can though this itself might cause severe pain and disappointment!
I am a loving person. I love to the extreme and every time I fall in love, its like sky diving with no parachute yet I do it with no fear in my heart and a smile on my face. This is my definition of love, neither the Webster’s nor the Encyclopedia’s, utterly mine: Love is sacrifice, giving, giving it, letting go and succumbing. It is the only time you feel strangled and attached and remain free, the only time you feel miserable yet happy. Love is when you look in the person's eyes and think to yourself: I wish I could see with those eyes, it is where you think: I wish I know what goes on in his mind, how he thinks, what he thinks about so I can understand him better. Love is when you seek to know what the your partner loves to eat, drink, smell, hear, listen to and do your best to make them available at nay time. It is when you never forget the smallest things he loves. It is when you can close your eyes and see him, vividly, as if he was standing in front of you. It is when you cherish even the worst smell his body might liberate and when you can remember the sweetest fragrance you smell when your in his arms. Love is when you can recognize his heartbeats between all other people. It is losing yourself completely to the point where you don’t know who you are unless if you are with him. It is a surrender, a defeat yet a joyful one! Love is an addiction; it is like poison yet it is the most beautiful way to breathe your last breath.
I also believe, through bad or unsuccessful experiences, people do choose that their minds control them out of fear of being hurt, disappointed, used or just simply forgotten. Some people do it because they want to stay in control. Losing control, to me, is a rush similar to adrenaline charge that you feel while going on a roller coaster ride, watching a horror movie or even speeding in your car. Love happens when the mind yields and the heart takes control; it is the only time when it is ok to let your mind shut down and hibernate. It is a long journey to nowhere and where you have no clue when it will end.
After all this, I do feel obliged to add one more thing to my definition. Love is not ever what you say and what you feel it is what you do. The foundations of love begin with the deepest feelings I lucidly described yet pure and great love needs time, patience and understanding to grow and blossom.
Love is never blind. It sees, accepts and embraces the faults and honors them. To prove my point, think of this: How could you wake up every morning next to someone you don’t think is beautiful from the moment he opens up his eyes? How can you think of a life together if you are just the least bit annoyed by his bad morning breath or his puffy eyes?

Here I am...

So here I am… Alone and lost without you… The weather seems to be perfect but although my heart is filled with peace and I can feel the sun shine deep inside my soul, something is yet still missing… You are not there…
I still feel your presence around me, everywhere I go… It feels as if you were gone yesterday… My heart still beats only for you… I can even still feel your heart beat, its thumping, the rhythm it plays as I lay my head over your chest…
It is so hard to go through my days without you… It is thorny to try to get over you… It seems useless every time I try…
Your voice resigns in my head… It repeats itself over and over again… Your smile awakens itself in my memory every time I try not to think of you…

Right & Wrong..

I have often thought of the two contradicting concepts of right and wrong... The way they always tend to confuse and maybe even irritate me!
What is "right"? and what is "wrong"?
How are they defined and who defines them?
What is the right thing to say in acertain situation?
What is the right way to feel?
How is the right way to act?
What is the right way to dress, eat, drink, sit, stand, speak, etc?
What triggered this question this morning is a very simple example:
I woke up craving to hear his voice, listen to his words and feel him close...
The fact that he is far from me made me think: What is the right way for both of us to act when we are apart?
I guess each person deals with seperation his/her own way...
I just wish I could find a "book of rules" for the right and the wrong things to do in every situation one might encounter. Maybe that might decrease my disappointments and confine me in the dreamy state of perfection I desire to be left in...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Home Away From Home...

Another day, many other hours, hundreds of minutes, thousands of seconds and I'm home away from home once again...
Though the faint sense of security and rest is almost setting in, something seems to be missing...
Something so dear and so close seems to be so far away from where I am right now...
I'm in Jordan once again... Away from Lebanon; the country that never sleeps.. The country that I feel both simultaneously love and hate for !
Wishing that my life was perfect... That I could have all my apples and eat them at the same time!
Wishing I could be close to those I love, all of them together... Have more than one world at the same time...
Yet, the fact of life remains, nothing is ever perfect and pain is a constant ache wahetever you might do and whatever you may be...
Warm hugs to those I'm thinking of right now...
I'm full of misses and sighs...
I hope I will be remembered...

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