Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Jinx Cake Mix!

Life’s irony smirks at her so chillingly and she feels a pinch of anger and despair…
She begins to suffer from a tablespoon of helplessness and a cup of hatred towards the unfair…
“You can’t have your cake and eat it,” a wise man once said!
“Can she at least have a piece?” The thought circled around her head!
She wrote a list of the ingredients of a special cake recipe and decided to call it Jinx!
Then she started to gather them on a table and prepared the drinks!
She put together the can of nagging, the teaspoon of hopes and the cup of bad luck and brought them to a mix!
In the same bowl, she then sifted in the handful of fears and added a few drops of tears just for kicks!
Now her jinx cake is ready for the oven and it needs a few minutes to be ready to serve!
Caution: this cake recipe should be kept out of children’s reach. Furthermore, try not to preserve!


zeezazoo on Tuesday, July 03, 2007 said...

well, i guess i eat from that cake on a daily basis... each morning with a stupid cup of nescafe that i still can't make the way i like!!!
but come on, it isn't that bad... i mean, look around u, count the positives in ur life and u'll see how lucky u r compared to other people!! actually, i don't like to say comparing to other people, cuz i have my own life and i want it to be good... but believe me, u r having a good life, u just need to fix few things and believe in urself and what u can do in this life and things will get better!!
good luck anyway... and stop eating from that cake!!


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