Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What Is Next?

I am extremely confused about what has gone and what the next step should be…
I have no one to help me make the "right" decision….
I am on my own this time…
I sure hope I do this right…..


zeezazoo on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 said...

you can do it...
you just need to believe in yourself and think of what's better for you and analyze everything and all the options you have... i'm sure you'll make the right decision... it's not that hard... but it needs a bit of courage...
always search for your happiness... and don't just think about the near future, cause the near future is so easy to predict of... all the temporary stuff will go away and leave you with more pain and confusion, be aware of that... and i only can wish you the best of luck and to let you know that you are not alone no matter what the decision you made is...
take care...
mabrook el rokhsa!!

Anonymous said...

Why you have to think in your past, it has just past. Learn from your mistakes don't do it twice, this is the appropriate decision you will take in future. but don't think too much in your future so you will forget the present, the time that you live in, coz time is always against us, don't think it will be with you. so think wisely and don't hesitate in any decision you will take.
and by the way: mabrouk el rokhsa.
drive carefully.

Anonymous said...

Why are youn lost???ma inte 2arrarte min zamein,,,u said inno 7atrou7e 3a Amman w bil spring you will be back again to finish your last 4 courses,,so why al 7ira,,i think hayda is the most important thing,,cos min ba3do bisir 3indik ktir options,like tsefre w tichtighle b 2ayya ma7al bil 3alam,,w i know inno your life is gonna change ,,for better akid,,w u know what Ar2our,,chou ma sar,,wein ma kinte,always 7aykoun fi 7ada 7addik,,so dont worry,,i told you marra min zamein,,that we will be the hand yalla 7athaddike,,so yalla dont be afraid,ok,,i guess inno 2day btekhde al jaweib,,nchallah kheir,,
one more thing,,no more frenshpress bill 2nd cup,,3am nichtighil 3al mawdou3,,drive carefully w ma tisr3e 2illa bi BMW looooool,,yalla take care


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