Friday, December 15, 2006

I Wonder...

Do eyes really reveal the sorrow in the heart?
Does the pain of separation heal after being apart?
Does the sky rain in agony and tears?
Will I get over my hidden and great fears?
Do the spring's flowers for lovers bloom?
Does the cloud realize its bitterness and gloom?
Do the trees sway to welcome the breeze?
Do the lakes, in anger, become cold and freeze?
Does the night know the loneliness it carries?
Will one day come when we have no worries?
Does true love only exist in Shakespeare's books?
Do people fall in love based on charm and looks?
Can happiness be truly looked for and found?
Are all people walking equally on this ground?
Do we learn from our wrongs and mistakes?
Why with every thought of the past your soul shakes?
When do you know his/her words are really true?
Who is the "one" that God has created for you?


Tom Bailey on Friday, December 15, 2006 said...

I just try and stay focused on the most positive emotions possible.

BeeBee on Friday, December 15, 2006 said...

That is the only way around it! I agree! But I believe that this is not always doable!

Anonymous said...

I really dont know all the answers,but im sure that i will always love you Ar2our.


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