Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Power of Words...

Recently, I’ve been seriously pondering the power of words… The words we hear in a movie, the lyrics of a song, the words said on the news or on radio shows, the words people say to us, or about us, and the words we say in response…

It strikes me as kind of “paradoxical” how much power words have on us… We, who are supposed to be rational, thinking and even smart beings, how easily we are moved by words…, how easily our hearts can be broken by a few words and yet how simply they can be mended by a word or two…

It is also confusing how words make you trust people and words, too, make you lose faith in people and lose trust in everything around you…

Words also can be a reason for some to fall in or out of love…For others to gain or lose a friend… For many to win or lose a job, a deal, or even respect…

Nothing, in my opinion, is stronger that words… They are the key to every little jigsaw puzzle we face through our daily lives… They are the ultimate weapon that people can use…

Remember this: “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me!”

Who are we kidding? Ourselves? I mean words are the definitive tool of mass destruction of the soul and mind… Why? Because their effect stays so long after they are spelt out and heard… It stays deep in our memories and thoughts, retrieved at the utmost time of pain and forgotten through our days’ continuous hardships…


zeezazoo on Thursday, December 28, 2006 said...

as much as words can effect on us when they r said... not saying these words can affect more on us sometimes, cause they make us think, and go to places we shouldn't even get close to...
and after all, i think what people do to each other, and how they stand by each other in the hard times affect more on us than words, cuz people can say stupid words when they r angry or upset, words they don't mean, but when someone do something to a friend eventhough he is angry or upset, that's what affect more... cause that's what shows that people care...


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