Monday, April 23, 2007

Some Things...

Some things in life are hard to explain… Others can not be explained at all!
Some times life hits you with things so unexpected that you simply falter and fall!
A “cute meet”, a phone call, a passing glance or a look deep in the eyes…
Crashing hearts, aching souls, many tears and countless cries…
Some things in life are just the way they are; they will never change despite what you do…
Accept them, embrace them and try to keep your head up whatever you might go through…


zeezazoo on Monday, April 23, 2007 said...

it is all up to you...
it's ur life after all... if u wanna keep on living in the shadows of those who pretend that they care, then u may not see the sun ever!!
if u wanna let bad things to win over the good things in ur life, it's up to u...
if u out in a party or something and u r letting those bad thoughts and bad memories ruin ur party and make u feel that u r not happy even though u r dancing and partying, then it's up to u...
keep ur head up and listen to urself and what u r saying... be positive, and don't keep on saying that things r not always as they seem!! cuz if things seem good, then they should be good...
enjoy this life... and embrace all the good moments u go through in ur life... u'll know how much they mean when u lose them, and when u feel that u've lost them for ever!!


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