Thursday, October 19, 2006

Another Piece of Writing from the Past...

Dealing with people could be frustrating sometimes… The constant struggle to reach a middle point could become a load…
The need of belonging could be frightening sometimes… The constant search for a home could become an obsession…
The fear of loneliness could be destructive sometimes… The constant search for a warm cuddle could become an everlasting suffering…
Why do we compromise? Why do we put an effort in reaching middle grounds? Why do we constantly lose ourselves in a battle where we are bound to be beaten?
A thought just crossed my mind: why do we always want what is not ours? Why do we always fight for those things and those people who don’t deserve us and won’t ever fight back for us?
Why do we run after those who truly hurt us and leave behind those who care about us the most?
Whatever we do, we end up being unhappy, we suffer, we cry, we lose hope and faith in people and ourselves eventually…
Life is a rough road leading to nowhere. Love is an illusion leading to misery… Lust is an instinct leading to regret…
The need for attention, affection and love is a knife that cuts deep into our existence…
The desire to be with someone is a poison that runs within our veins…
I wish to be free… Free from all emotions, feelings, hopes and dreams… I wish to be inhuman, to be unable to feel love, hate, happiness, sadness, need, want, desire, lust; all possible contradicting feelings…
Being strong is so hard to do unless you just learn not to feel… And unless you are strong, you will be trampled upon with every breath you take…
Life is unfair… It is a play where luck takes part in as the major character…
Love is unfair… It is a game where loss is inevitable…


zeezazoo on Thursday, October 19, 2006 said...

you wish to be unable to feel!!
who doesn't feel the same?? but you have to control your feelings and deal with them in a good way... that's what being strong is... not to surrender and not to fear...
life is unfair, love is unfair... what is fair?? and what is unfair?? what is fair to you might be unfair to someone else, and vice versa...


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