Thursday, October 19, 2006


Moments, no matter how painful or beautiful they were, never can be cloned...
No two moments are exactly the same despite their similarity...
This applies to both people and feelings...
There exists no two people, males or females, who are the same; photocopies of each other...
The uniqueness built in each person reveals the difference...
Love, happiness, sadness, regret, feeling alone, all these and more, also vary in intensity...
Therefore, stereotyping is wrong and should be eliminated with reference to those, for it equates the individuality and uniqueness in experiences though they are certainly "unequatable"!


zeezazoo on Thursday, October 19, 2006 said...

that's why i always try to tell u enjoy the moment cause it will never come back again... enjoy it with anyone, no matter who this person is, cuz he can't be like this again...
live each day as if it was ur last day...


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