Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The "Regular" People...

In two of my older pieces of writings, I spoke of two types of people whom I labeled as: (1) the “hollow” people and (2) the “beautiful” people.

Now, at this time, I guess I have found middle grounds in between those two categories… I’ll call them the “regular” people… Those who come in your life, make a sudden or casual appearance on the stage of your life, and usually do not leave a mark, neither a negative nor a positive one…

These people are the ones you can laugh with, joke with, go out with and have a great time spend hours and hours talking to but you never advance (or take steps back for that matter), and once you are back home, or away from them, they simply disappear from your heart and mind, they just vanish with no trace!

I know this may sound a bit harsh, but this is life; a whole package of good and bad, ordinary and extraordinary, normal and abnormal, dull and interesting, ugly and beautiful and so on… Those who expect things to work out “their way”, will be continually disappointed and believing that all those around you carry the same level of importance or value is, as I consider it, naive!

One more thing, please note that I am aware that I, myself, am listed in each one of my three categories according to the different people I know and have dealt with over the course of my life...


yaser on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 said...

so true .. many people pass in one's life without leaving an impression ,on the other hand there are some people that it is nearly impossible to forget them even though you maybe distances apart..


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