Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Uncertainty in Obscurity…

I have been up almost all night long thinking and contemplating, wondering and questioning, trying, so hard, to make the "best" decision…

Now it is morning, the birds seem absolutely overwhelmed with the warmth of the sun, they are singing, so softly, so happily…

A moment of silence and I start thinking to myself: what a powerful concept this decision making process is!!!

(After a three day pause, I return to the same piece of writing, still feeling the same… I continue…)

It is morning one more time… And I'm drenched in my thoughts once again…

I am back to the realization of the power of decisions… Whatever the subject of them may be…

Deciding to stay or leave to another country (for whatever purpose), deciding whether to go to a certain place or event or not, deciding to begin a relationship, any kind of relationship, or not, deciding what to wear, what to eat, what to drink, how to act, etc…

Every decision you take, every decision which is forced upon you in one way or another, the consequences carry on… Like the butterfly effect… Once your decision is made up, your life, as well as the life of those who are close to you, or even that of people you don't even know, are changed in a fluttering sequence. The change may be on the spot or with time, but it is there, it will show up sooner or later…

Not taking a decision is also making a decision! It's just as doing nothing about a certain situation or occurrence you need to handle or deal with!

A salute to decisions… The good ones and the bad ones:

The good one: They make us…
The bad ones: They break us… (Yet the regret later on makes us wiser!)


Feras othman on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 said...

beebee bjad i like the topics you choose althogh smallah your mind is full it seems from your frequnt posting and vary of subjects ,
regarding to last post
i thing the free well and the decission making is the only thing that can shopw that we are alive and has presence and contious ...,and about to decide to do or to decide even to dont ,mm i never regretted a decission i took even if it cuzed me pain maybe but i take them for good cuases i think and glad that i am still able to choose ,

greetings my dear

seems that sleepless nights are common nowadays ;P

take care

Feras othman on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 said...

hey send me an e mail containig ur e maill adress cuz i wana share u somthng ..


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