Friday, July 31, 2009

The Many Faces of Shapes!

Round and round in flat-shaped yet seemingly rounded circles I go,
Forgetting all I have ever learned and all that I once claimed to know!

I walk straight ahead, touching and bending the edges of the straight line,
Letting go of everything I once held on to and disowning what is now mine!

In a rather cubically malformed box I breathe in and out exhaustion and despair,
Playing a sad melody for all those who were eventually lost but were once there!

On the tip of a triangle I stand preparing to slide all the way down,
Squirming and twisting a frown into a smile and a smile into a frown!

The cylindrical room of disappointments is not a stranger to me any more,
It seems that if I don't bump into it by accident, I run knocking at its door!



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