Saturday, October 13, 2007

Forgive Me World For I Have...

Forgive me world for I have failed!
Failed to recognize the beauty bestowed in your twists and curves…
Failed to hold on to my dreams and to nourish my soul as it deserves!
Failed to believe in the "good" of people after so many losing rounds!
Failed to find some peace upon them and failed to locate our common grounds!

Forgive me world for I have lied!
Lied about being strong and invincible; lied about being not scared…
Lied about not caring about all the rumors people spread and shared!
Lied about being able to "do it alone" with no one there to take my hand…
Lied about finding my real home, my haven, my true home land…

Forgive me world for I have cried!
Cried to the days and cried to the nights…
Cried because of all those endless fights!
Cried not knowing the pains others may have felt…
Cried until my eyes became red and welt!

Forgive me world for I longer could fail or lie or cry…
I no longer could bear disappointments, shames or another good bye!



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