I have recently read this article which I found very remarkable… Here's a part of it… Enjoy…
"Bio-artists use live tissues, bacteria, living organisms and life processes to create works of art that blur the traditional distinctions between science and art. Most of these works tend toward social reflection, conveying political and societal criticism through the combination of artistic and scientific processes."
"Bio-artists use live tissues, bacteria, living organisms and life processes to create works of art that blur the traditional distinctions between science and art. Most of these works tend toward social reflection, conveying political and societal criticism through the combination of artistic and scientific processes."
nice subject...
listen, i don't mean to disappoint u, but as long as u have free time these days, u should work more on ur drawing skills and even ur designing skills... i'm sure u'll do an amazing job... believe me... and i'm here if u needed any help...
good hwa eny btshta3'aly eh ya bee bee i write to u alot but u dont answer me dont know y?
very nice
really its cool
nice blog & good posts
have a nice day
Beee,i hope things will be better soon,,hope ur all fine,be carefull Ar2our
Hi Buffy! I didn't have Internet access for the past few days! Sorry! How r u? Thank you for visiting my blog! Hope u r fine. TC
Well said.
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